TubeFlow PIC for Completions
Models matrix treatments and estimates fluid leakoff while determining an optimum injection rate; supports production from multiple reservoir zones; includes real-time modeling
Gravel Pack
Simulates gravel pack operations to aid in pre-job planning; models alpha-beta, alternate path (shunt tubes), multi-zone packs, and frac-packs in both cased and openhole completions
Torque and Drag
Considers various modes of well intervention: coiled tubing, capillary string, drill string, and wireline for tubing forces and stress analysis
Well Completions Software Suite
TubeFlow PIC for well completion offers several applications with primarily three modes of intervention, namely: coiled tubing, wireline, and drill string (jointed pipe). These applications include hydraulics, gravel/frac-pack, torque and drag, tubing movement, drilling and fluid displacement applications.
- models production, injection, and circulation of fluids in the well including effects of heat transfer to/from the formation
- supports a wide spectrum of wellbore fluids ranging from single phase fluids such as air and brines to more complex multiphase fluid system (e.g. foams)
- multiphase flow modeling includes both empirical and mechanistic models
- supports injection of steam and sluries
- injection operations: formation fluid leakoff modeling (steady, transient)
- designs insulation/packer fluids for deep water environments with flow assurance problems
- supports real-time modeling

Gravel Pack
- simulates gravel pack operations to aid in pre-job planning
- estimates proppant and slurry volume requirements
- supports both cased and openhole completions and remedial, thru-tubing gravel packs
- incorporates alternate flow path (shunt tube) technology and models zonal isolation
- determines work string movement at the crossover tool and effects of slackoff at surface

Torque and Drag
- considers three types of well intervention: coiled tubing, drill string, and wireline
- evaluates forces and stress on coiled tubing, drill string, and wireline during well intervention
- determines the buckling status of intervening tubing in the well and identifies lock-up/compression depth
- estimates the fluid drag on tool during well intervention
- calculates the set down weight and overpull while run-in-hole (RIH) or pull-out-of-hole (POOH)
- models extended reach by determining minimum tractor pull requirements

Tubing Movement
- predicts the length and force changes in tubing due to piston, buckling, ballooning, and temperature effects
- determines the maximum triaxial tubing stress and aids in material selection for feild operating conditions
- considers effects of slackoff/pickup in tubing forces calculations
- includes fluid flow and formation heat transfer effects
- determines packer-to-tubing force and designs length of seals required

- models coiled tubing drilling operations - underbalanced and managed pressure drilling
- determines the minimum annular flow rate to transport the drilled cuttings to surface
- supports production from reservoir while drilling and also estimates formation fluid leakoff
- models air, foam, mist, and natural gas drilling

Fluid Displacement
- models pumping fluids in a sequence through the coiled tubing and displaces existing fluids in the wellbore
- simulates both forward and reverse circulation, direct and indirect displacements
- allows configuration of a variety of chemical spacers, completion brines, and viscous pills
- determines pumping requirements, cumulative fluid volumes, and displacement time
- models the wellbore cleanup during gravel/frac packing in either forward or reverse circulation
- simulates acid treatments through coiled tubing to remove filter cake in post gravel pack operations

- performs a comprehensive engineering pre-job design and post-job analysis
- reduces job design time and cost
- ensures pressure limits during a job are within safety standards
- optimizes a well intervention program and pump schedule for a job
- optimize a pump/treatment schedule for the gravel pack job
- maximize production through an accurate job design
- minimize occurences of incomplete packs through a comprehensive engineering analysis
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